transição energética

We argue that there is a need to advance further research that strengthens the analysis of policy mixes for the energy transition in major emerging economies. In this context, this article aims to answer the following question: How do Brazil’s policies favor or hinder an energy transition of oil and gas companies (O&G) to renewables? To achieve this purpose, we conducted literature and archival research and interviews with experts to analyze (a) Brazil’s energy policy mixes that address O&G and renewables issues; and (b) major O&G companies’ activities and perspectives that influence the energy transition. Results demonstrated that though some of the O&G companies have made significant renewables investments in the last years, they continue focusing on O&G activities. We discuss the main policy mix features that hinder the prioritization of renewables by these O&G companies and that can undermine a sustainable energy transition in Brazil.

Leia o artigo de Alexandre Noguchi e Farley Simon Nobre em