países em desenvolvimento

This article investigates patterns of digital technologies’ adoption by industrial firms of selected developing countries, namely: Argentina, Brazil, Ghana, Thailand, and Vietnam. The objective is to identify inter and intra countries’ similarities and differences in terms of digital adoption, and understand how this distribution is leading to digital heterogeneities thus reinforcing the well-entrenched structural heterogeneity prevailing in these economies. The analysis is based on surveys carried out between 2017 and 2019 that covered a panel of 1,212 firms of varied sizes and industries. The evidence shows that most firms are currently adopting a low level of digitalization and have a positive expectation for the future even with a low level of readiness. The larger and technology intensive firms are, the higher the probability of firms being digitally progressive. These results suggest an increase of inter and intra countries asymmetries in digital adoption, bringing the emergence of digital heterogeneities.

Leia o artigo de Julia Torracca e outros em

This article investigates patterns of digital technologies’ adoption by industrial firms of selected developing countries, namely: Argentina, Brazil, Ghana, Thailand, and Vietnam. The objective is to identify inter and intra countries’ similarities and differences in terms of digital adoption, and understand how this distribution is leading to digital heterogeneities thus reinforcing the well-entrenched structural heterogeneity prevailing in these economies. The analysis is based on surveys carried out between 2017 and 2019 that covered a panel of 1,212 firms of varied sizes and industries. The evidence shows that most firms are currently adopting a low level of digitalization and have a positive expectation for the future even with a low level of readiness. The larger and technology intensive firms are, the higher the probability of firms being digitally progressive. These results suggest an increase of inter and intra countries’ asymmetries in digital adoption, bringing the emergence of digital heterogeneities.

Leia o artigo de Julia Torracca e outros em

O acesso à água e ao esgotamento sanitário é fundamental para o combate à transmissão da COVID-19. (mais…)

Este trabajo propone analizar y proyectar los impactos previsibles sobre la gestión gubernamental que pueden ocasionar los desarrollos tecnológicos que caracterizan a la era exponencial en curso (TIC, big data, inteligencia artificial, robótica y sus aplicaciones). (mais…)

O trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir com a discussão sobre o Estado do século XXI ao apontar para características críticas da burocracia pública que merecem mais pesquisas empíricas para o fornecimento de evidências, visando a embasar propostas de reforma administrativas em países em desenvolvimento.


The public-health effects and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in developing and emerging economies are only just becoming apparent, but it is already clear that the toll will be devastating. (mais…)

Como prover as empresas de pessoal qualificado para atender à crescente demanda de profissionais especializados nas aplicações de ciência de dados e inteligência artificial? Com a explosão das tecnologias de big data e das informações disponíveis nos ambientes da web e nas redes sociais, a demanda pelos especialistas no tratamento de dados (os cientistas de dados) cresce de forma exponencial a cada ano. (mais…)